In 2018, Lesley and HP Imhof embarked on a journey towards their dream of cultivating in harmony with nature. Captivated by the untapped potential they found in Puglia and coupled with their love for the environment, their travels led them to purchase 12 acres of neglected olive groves in a remote part of the Salento region. 200 secular trees on the land had been neglected for decades and required pruning and revitalization. Some of the trees had symptoms of the Xylella Fastidiosa infestation and required treatment.

In the face of daunting odds, the couple saw an opportunity to revitalize the barren land and breathe life back into the ecosystem. And so, they set out to create a small farm that would be a testament to their beliefs in sustainability and biodiversity. In 2019, they took the first tangible step by drilling an Artesian well to guarantee a reliable water supply, essential for nurturing life. The essence of their vision lay in soil regeneration and organic farming best-practices, and so the restoration of the land began in earnest by the planting of sunflowers, pulses and artichokes, recognizing that these crops would not only enrich the soil but also sustainably feed the land.

The ambitious task of planting over 2,000 new trees, shrubs and vines followed: disease-resistant olive trees, along with pomegranate trees, fig trees, and almond trees, took root under their watchful eyes. Indigenous vines followed, and embracing their roots in the soil, weaved a story of tradition and connection with the land.

Their first olive harvest took place in 2019 and yielded a well-balanced extra-virgin olive oil. With the creation of their small-scale farming business, Agricola dell’Orso also works with local farmers to help promote the region and awareness of their activities.  Together with another local farmer, they harvested 4 tons of pomegranates in 2022.

With every passing season, HP, Lesley and their 2 Farm-hands, Mauro Caramia and Filiberto Erario, nurture each tree, they cultivate the soil, and they embrace the challenges that come their way. As the years pass, HP and Lesley hope to share the abundance of their harvest, not just in the form of fruits, but also in the inspiration to embrace nature as a partner in sustainable, organic farming and regenerative agriculture.